WORKING ON MY ILLUSTRATION PORTFOLIO: deciding which market i want to work on

deciding which ILLUSTRATION market i want to work on

aka what i am good at DRAWING, what makes me happy to create , and, what kind of art i can get paid for

On 2019 I was totally focused on making it into the editorial illustration, I was specially concerned with the whole environmental crisis, and the world getting into higher temperatures, I wanted to speak out about this, make it all known.

Then the PAINdemic happened and stopped us all for two years, and now there’s a war between Russia and Ucrania, and I really don’t know what is going to happen next. holymolygezuswhatsnextmaybealienslol.

Even though I find information and news of supreme importance, all these news and information can get overwhelming specially in times like this, thus I decided to go onto the brighter side of life, painting landscapes not only as my passion calls, but also to free my mind, and connect with something bigger than all of us, I still paint landscapes for fun, but they bring me very little for now, so I decided to look into my old work, and I found myself smiling looking at illustrations of fantastic worlds I had created, or stories I had written, where amazing things were happening, but where you could also find hope and tons of color. Illustrations can make you day go from a sad blue to a brighter yellow.

I have decided then, to make it into the picture book illustration career, children illustration, middle grade illustration. I do not know how the path will go, but I am willing to go the extra mile to achieve this goal, and to keep my feet on the ground and my eye-brain-heart on constant training, to continue doing paintings from life on my Observed Life collection.

Alright, first things first. a decision has already been made. I will need the following sets to show how I can work as an illustrator:

  • Full colorful spreads ✓

  • Spot arts on white backgrounds

  • Front cover concept and 2 double page spreads ✓ from the same story

  • Black and white images

  • Sketches, some pages ✓

  • Character continuity: at least one character on different poses, facial expressions ✓

  • Characters of children ✓ and animals ✓

Updated July 1st: on the ✓ marks. Still need to work on: spot arts, black and white images, sketches, and character development.

Updated May 22nd: character continuity and many more full color illustrated spreads.


If you need inspiration and wonder the materials I use, here is my Amazon shopping list. If you buy from the link I get a small commission free from cost for you :) thank you!

Kiyary Do

Kiyary is a mestiza artist with native Peruvian, Spanish and English ancestry, she grew up in the United States and currently lives in the north of Spain. She studied Architectural Design, Sculpture, Graphic Design, 3D Animation, Illustration and Fine Arts. Her art practice is focused on oil painting as the medium, and portraiture and landscape as the main subjects.

Kiyary has a deep passion for learning, painting and moving; her constant changes in environment led her to reflect on the importance of identity and human relationships with nature. You can read more on her about page or check out her instagram for painting updates @kiyary or youtube for tutorials.

Working on a Picture book: Lost in the Amazon
